Anjilkurri Rhonda Radley

Anjilkurri Rhonda is a proud Guri woman with strong family and cultural ties to the Birpai and Dhanggati Nations (mid north coast, NSW) and is referred to as an Elder.

As a Gathang Language activist she advocates for Aboriginal Languages to be taught, integrated and spoken.


About Anjilkurri Rhonda Radley

Rhonda works across pre-school, primary and secondary schools, TAFE, Universities sharing her knowledge of Aboriginal languages, Aboriginal cultures, history and contemporary realities with community, students and staff.

Her passion is to facilitate through a traditional Aboriginal cultural lens incorporating the natural world has the back drop to the learning experience.

She shares from the heart and incorporates knowledge gained from her life experiences to support the learning and understanding of the complexity of the Aboriginal story.

Rhonda has received state, regional and local awards for her community work.

Currently she is a PHD student, community volunteer and operates a consultancy business.

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