Barry Krost

Barry is a Family Constellations Facilitator and Trainer, Bodywork & Energy Healer and Transformation Life Coach. His constellations work in private sessions and in online workshops is heavily influenced by a deep reading of Bert Hellinger’s work, experience in a diverse range of healing modalities, ongoing interest and training in Anthropology and Social/Cultural History and a natural ability to improvise with the help of insight and clairvoyance.

About Barry Krost

Barry’s interest in understanding systemic resolutions and victim-perpetrator dynamics in particular began with growing up with a parent and grandparents who survived concentration camps during the Holocaust. In order to understand the damage and trauma of such events and experiences he initially developed an interest and received a BA degree in Anthropology and continued with an MA in Social/Cultural History.

He also began a 38-year career in Bodywork and Energy Healing which has provided a different understanding of the effects of trauma, illness and disease. He is a Registered Instructor and Advanced Practitioner of Ortho-Bionomy® and a Transformational Life Coach. Over the years he has had thousands of hours of training in healing modalities.

Barry began learning about the systemic approach to family dynamics in 2003. He studied with many US and International facilitators and teachers, went through several year training programs, attended a number of conferences and intensives and got involved in organizing systemic conferences in the US where he also presented. He was a guest presenter at the 16th and 17th International Intensive in Systemic Resolution in Bernried, Germany.

Barry offers online individual Family Constellations sessions and workshops on a diverse range of topics. Some of the most recent topics include:

• Philosophy, Principles and Facilitation of Family Constellations
• Brief Family Constellations that Get to the Heart of the Matter
• Family Constellations for Illness and Disease
• Releasing Racism in Family Systems
• Healing the Mother Wound
• Clearing Victim-Perpetrator Patterns in Families, Systems & Society
• Healing Deeply Held Suffering in Family Systems
• Working with the Dead

Learn more about attending a workshop with Barry Krost at



Releasing the Twisted Roots of Victim-Perpetrator Patterns

We will look at releasing victim-perpetrator patterns that persist because of entanglements, trauma or involvement of the dead who have not crossed over. We will also explore the benefits of connecting with ancient resources like the strength of men or the support of women to create reconciliation and healing for these difficult systemic patterns. We will search for possible solutions that restore order and balance to the family system and resolve victim-perpetrator patterns in a good way.

Some Presentation Highlights

Working with Family Constellations about victims and perpetrators includes:

• Revealing how the family system and the descendants of these traumatic events are entangled
• Restoring the flow of love and life and the balance of life and death

What must be honored:

• The dignity of the victim is their suffering (we need to honor the suffering)
• The dignity of the perpetrator is their guilt (we need to honor the guilt).

Sometimes the barely dead are the ones actually keeping alive perpetration through their descendants:

• The barely dead have died but not crossed over and can still effect the living
• The barely dead are unaware that they are dead.

There are ancient resources that can enter a Family Constellation with a special kind of help to resolve victim-perpetrator patterns:

• The strength of men
• The support of women

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