Irmgard Rosa Maria Rauscher

Irmgard Rosa Maria Rauscher is a psychotherapist. She worked in several psychotherapy-clinics especially with abused and traumatized women. Trained in Family Constellation Work by Bert Hellinger since 1994 she facilitated Family Constellations in workshops and single sessions in Germany, Switzerland and Italy.

Since 2014 she studied tantric teachings. Out of these teachings she developed Yoni-Constellations to heal female sexuality.

2006 she published a book about female Menopause: “Feuerroter Wandel“, published by Kösel, Germany

About Irmgard Rosa Maria Rauscher

WORKSHOP – Yoni Constellations with Irmgard Rosa Maria Rauscher

My offer is addressed to women who want to be in contact with their sacred female being, their holy place, their Yoni.
In a Systemic Constellation the Yoni gets a voice, she can tell you about her condition, pass on messages, express feelings and emotions.

In many cases this sacred place is negatively affected, tensed up, frozen and numbed – for instance by individual or transgenerational trauma.

Any experience of sexual abuse, puritanic education and atmosphere at home or in society, religious denial, lack of respect, defamation of femininity and bad sex et cetera insult, tense, sedate, hurt and restrain the Yoni in its unfolding and its central importance.

A relaxed and fully sensitive Yoni provides us women with self-esteem, beauty and courage, with inspiration and creativity, with wonderful orgasms and oceanic delight.

Give yourself the extraordinary chance to listen to your Yoni in a systemic constellation, in order to gain essential information about your deepest female nature.

Healed sexuality, deep understanding of yourself, general wellbeing and fulfillment are the best preconditions for a woman to find and create a satisfying relationship to a loving partner, characterized by equality, mutual respect, erotic appeal, peaceful friendship, sensitivity and mindfulness, to be successful in your job and career.


Learning outcomes:

– Improvement of facilitation techniques in Yoni Constellation
– Learning about emotions and feelings and trauma of Yoni
– Learning about the deep female nature
– Learning how to do Yoni Constellations in single sessions online with zoom or Skype

Personal Development/ Experiential


Contact Us

Our Team is happy to help with any questions you have, please fill out the contact form below and we will get back to you within 24 – 48 hours.

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