A Fung ACI 2020

Maria Sousa

Embodiment & Well-being Coach-Improv & Circles Keepe

About Maria Sousa

With a Masters degree in e-Learning and more than twenty five years of experience in supporting individuals and groups to find their unique way of looking and showing themselves to the world – sensing you. All the courses and workshops I have attended ranging from biodanza, bioenergetic to organic gardening, buddhist meditation, different sports, arts, theatre, literature, technology, maths, science and languages have made me realise that we are a complex and varied set of different choices, only a broader approach makes us understand what we are and what we want.

My first principle is to support understanding of where the person is at first and then to guide them in the direction that suits them best. It will be you who will find the so call intelengence of the heart. Learning by doing. Linking the head with body, by movement.

With calm and patience we will discover what you really need at this moment. Through some simple techniques we will move towards a more balanced state. Come and let us share this process together. Thank you. Maria Sousa Ler mais: https://wellbeing-mandala.webnode.pt/about/ Teacher – Embodiment & Well-being

Contact Us

Our Team is happy to help with any questions you have, please fill out the contact form below and we will get back to you within 24 – 48 hours.

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