Check out our previous ACI Programs, to get a better understanding of the benefits of attending the next ACI in 2022.
2021 Presenters
International Systemic Constellation Conference
Check out the 2021 Presenters

2021 Presenters
‘Living in the Field’ Enhancing Relationships, Health and Success
Check out the 2021 Presenters

2019 Presenters
Systemic skills for therapy, coaching, consulting, health, education, business
Check out the 2019 ACI Presenters

2018 program overview
Australasian Constellation Intensive – 2018
“Creating Pathways to Deeper Listening and Presence”
Top International trainers from around the world in Sydney, outstanding Professional development for Therapists, Coaches, Healthcare practitioners, and Educators and profoundly transformation for those on a Personal Journey of Self discovery. It’s an opportunity for everyone in relationship to deepen their connections and open to a greater flow of Love.
About Systemic/Family and OrganizationalConstellations
A brief solution focused method, it reveals deeper often hidden and unconscious dynamics in family systems and Organizations and what is necessary for resolution. Developed by Bert Hellinger 30 years ago it is at the leading edge of psycho-therapeutic approaches.
Outstanding learning for Therapists, Coaches, Educators, Healthcare Professionals
With 4 streams of learning it is open to ALL!
Learn NEW skills to integrate into your existing practice or deepen your personal journey. You can expect to Create Pathways to deeper Listening and Presence in all your relationships.

2018 Australasian Constellation Intensive Compilation Video
2018 – Australasian Constellation Intensive Compilation Video
2016 ACI Program
3rd Australasian Constellation Intensive – 2016
“Experiencing the interconnectiveness of all things”
The Australasian Constellation Intensive in 2016 will offer a powerful learning experience for those new to Systemic/Family and Organizational Constellations as well as an opportunity for those already practicing in the field to deepen and enrich their experience an knowledge with the latest developments in the field.
The Intensive will showcase Constellation work from trainers who are internationally respected in the fields, Jan Jacob Stam, Ah Fung and Ingala Robl have a special focus on Organizational Constellations, Stehphan Hausner, a naturopath will focus on health, Francesca Mason Boring connects us to nature, indigenous cultures and the importance of ritual and Anngwyn St Just is a specialist in the field of integrating trauma, having spent many years working with Peter Levine.
A Therapy Beyond Words
Family Constellations originally developed by Bert Hellinger, over 30 years ago in Germany, evolved from psychodynamic, family systemic and existenital approaches. The method reveals deeper, subconscious patterns that can have a limiting or even destructive impact. Constellation work is able to address these patterns even when their roots go back several generations. The approach aims to help participants understand the hidden systemic orders of love operating in relationship systems, and the powerful resolutions to conflict that this understanding can make possible.
The training is a combination of lectures, workshops and experiential groups, organized to meet the needs of persons with various levels of experience ensuring you receive the most suitable professional development. As the Intensive is a residential program it allows participants the best environment for learning, connecting and sharing with peers from a wide variety of professional backgrounds.
2013 program overview
The Australasian Constellation Intensive – 2013
The Australasian Constellation Intensive in 2013 intends to deepen and enrich the knowledge experienced and shared in 20111 at the first Australasian Pacific Constellation Intensive.
In coming together as a community and inviting those new to the the experience of Constellations, we hope to provide an opportunity to strengthen the foundations of our individual approach to working with Family Constellations, originated by Bert Hellinger. The 2013 Intensive will showcase the latest stream of constellation work with internationally renown facilitators. Experience their unique approach and “niche application”, e.g. in supervision, education and couples therapy.
We also have guest trainers such as Michael and Tanya Knorr-Vieten from Germany. They will bring an exciting new approach to Couple Therapy, and Tango Constellations. We are also very fortunate to have some of our most highly experienced indigenous and non-indigenous trainers from Australia and New Zealand. They will give us an opportunity to experience constellations in what is generally regarded as the world’s most successful multicultural society. Three different streams of loving will ensure professional development suited to different career stages.
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land. They hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and the hopes of Aboriginal Australia, together with the ancestors of those of us who were displaced to this strange and marvelous land. The interactions between these groups were difficult, often tragic and sometimes noble. All this helped to create the consciousness of the people of this land, upon which this training will be held.
What People Say
Previous Participants Experiences
‘Embodies the heart of constellation work’
Click here to read more
Since 2011 this Intensive has been essential for my ongoing development as a practitioner of systemic work. The thing I have valued most is the connection it has provided with the first and second generation of teachers who trained under Bert Hellinger. In my experience, they embody the heart of constellation work and make it accessible for me and hundreds of others to learn, be nourished and be guided, in navigating new horizons of my own professional practice. Being immersed in this with a community of colleagues with diverse backgrounds and professional interests only amplifies all the richness that flows. As the practice of systemic work continues to flourish in many different and wonderful directions, this Intensive provides me with a sense of deep connection to some core values and practices that fuel this vitality.
‘Dynamic process of Constellations that was gifted to the world by Bert Hellinger’
Click here to read more
The Australasian Systemic Constellation intensive is an ideal forum where hearts, minds and souls can connect in sharing, learning and the pure enjoyment of the dynamic process that was gifted to the world by Bert Hellinger.
The Constellation process continues to deepen, expand and adapt to our growth at this pivotal point in human history. A perfect forum to experience the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of love, connection and acceptance of our lineage as individuals, tribes and this special place Australia, that cannot be over emphasised at this time. Constellation theory and practice coming into its own in assisting the nation in holding a safe-space for reconciliation, respect and peace with our indigenous peoples, culture, country and land, as peoples of the world.
Constellations providing us all in Australia with a mature, grounded and humble way for dealing with the guilt and shame of our colonial history, could be a key avenue to moving on into a new day in this place. Starting with individuals, groups, organisations to the nation. Perhaps then we can join together in our love of this special land, its deep culture of our ancient peoples, in connecting with country, flora and fauna and universal energy as we become one. We are in a special time where each area of the world is challenged with daring to truly look at itself and make choices for how they would like to be. For us the ASCI is a great space for existing facilitators to come together for growth and sharing and for new people to sample and explore and start their journey in the constellation field.