A Fung ACI 2020

Paul Stoney, ISCA CHAIR

Together with my wife Lynn, I have loved the depth and personal relevance of systemic constellations since attending my first workshop in January 2004. Together we went on to train in family constellations at the Hellinger Institute of Britain (now CSC) and attended the Bernried International Intensive for several years. With 4 adult children, 4 children-in-law and 8 grand-children, family constellations have deeply guided the flow of family life. I also trained in advanced organisational constellations at the Dutch Hellinger Instituut just before retiring from my work as an IT analyst in a large well-regarded UK retail Partnership which demonstrated the health of an organisation which follows systemic principles.

Since 2007 Lynn and I have also been part of a team running regular constellation workshops: www.constellationworkshops.co.uk. Participants come from many different nationalities, cultures and ethnic backgrounds. While Lynn has developed her work as a systemic practitioner with individual clients and training groups I have been drawn to the vision of ISCA since attending the Zagreb gathering in 2016.

About Paul Stoney, ISCA CHAIR

Having served as vice-chair of the ISCA Board from 2017- 2019 with Max Dauskardt and Aud Marit Esbensen I felt “called” to offer my services for the position of chair of ISCA in 2019. I was delighted to draw together the enlarged board of five: Stephanie, Louis, Alexandra and Cristina with their wonderful variety of skills and servant hearts to share responsibilities over the next 2 years.

When Max handed over his ISCA responsibilities in Cologne in July 2019 our first task as a Board was to consider the vision on our hearts. This is what emerged:

We have a dream of thriving together
By living our diversity while being one
We branch out and we learn by sharing
In a vibrant laboratory of humanity

The death of Bert Hellinger in September 2019 heralded the turning of a page in the world of systemic constellations and as Chair of the ISCA Board I felt the responsibility of honouring the past and embracing the emerging future.

One of the Board’s first tasks was to plan our next ISCA Gathering. There was already great energy for this to take place in Mexico and we became clear that the theme should be “Belonging – thriving Together”. The call for papers produced a wonderful response from 40 presenters and we set up the https://isca2021.com website in preparation.

When the coronavirus pandemic dominated 2020 it became more difficult but even more important to build a sense of belonging to our international community. Our regular monthly online meetings were increased to include other languages and were supplemented by members offering free workshops for “Still together in Corona Times“ and the development of Regional Chapters.  We also created a new members website https://members.isca-network.org to better handle membership, communication and connection.

As the pandemic continued it became clear that the ISCA Gathering should also go online and we are confident that the software we have obtained will greatly facilitate our theme of “Belonging – thriving Together”.

I have found the last two years both challenging and rewarding. I believe we have achieved a lot and there is still much to be done. ISCA does not depend on one person but on having a skilful team with servant hearts who can work well together, listen to our members and make good systemic decisions to benefit the wider constellation community. 

My colleagues on the ISCA Board and I all stood again to be reelected at the beginning of February for the next two years. Although the work is voluntary it is extremely purposeful and rewarding during these challenging times.

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